Maple Rum Cream Cheesecake
A delicious treat... a cookie base topped with a Maple Rum Cream infused cheesecake and topped with Maple Rum Cream c...
Ironworks Hot Chocolate
This delicious and simple hot chocolate recipe pairs well with Maple Rum Cream, Maple Rum or Bluenose Rum.
Ironworks Molasses Bluenose Rum Gingerbread Cake
Just in time for the holidays we came up with this tasty treat...
1 ½ cup all purpose flour
1 tsp baking soda
1 tbsp...
Maple Rum Cream Fudge
This fudge is dangerously delicious and we don't think anyone could stop at just one piece...
1x 300ml ti...
Bluenose Rum and Molasses Chocolate Cake
Oh yes we did! Bluenose Rum with Crosby's Fancy Molasses in a chocolate cake. Could we offer you anything more decad...
The year was 2020. The times they are strange, bordering on surreal. We are all in need of soothing treats, and this...